My Plan

WEEK 1 (July 5-11)


* We all know the simplicity of calories in vs. calories out, right? My goal is for the first week to eat 1200-1500 calories/day. My workouts (depending on what day) burn between 350-500 calories.

* Drink 10 8oz glasses of water a day

* add 2T of Chia and Flax seed to my diet. (I will share Dr Oz information about these wonder seeds)

* Eat whole foods.....fruit, veges lean meats, nuts, seeds, oatmeal, etc.

* Cut out starchy carbs, such as, bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, wine, beer


TurboFire 30
Ab workout  20 reps, 3 sets of each exercise

Sumo squat side bend:
-stand in squat position w/hands behind head, tilt side to side til elbow touches knee.

Standing cross crunch:
-stand with hands behind head, lift leg bend at knee, touch elbow to opposite knee

Extended leg cross crunch:
-lie on floor, hands behind head, crunch up touching elbow to opposite knee...other leg extended

-lie on floor arms extended straight out on floor, lift both legs so you are in the shape of an "L".
  Keeping legs straight and in "L" position, go side to side

hold this position for 1 minute

High Knees:
- High knees for 30 seconds. Run in place lifting knees as high in front of you as you can.

TurboFire 30
P90X ab ripper (15 min)

P90X Core Synergistic (1 hour)

P90X legs & arms (45 min)
Ab workout (see above)

Turbofire 45
P90X ab ripper

P90X Core Synergistic

Turbofire fire 55

AND a few more challenges for the month of July!!

1500 squats
1000 pushups
1500 curls
60 miles walk/run

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