My Progress

Wednesday July 25 (off 2.5 weeks due to calf injury)

Turbofire 30
P90X ab ripper

squats: 50.........408/1500
pushups :20.....120/1000
curls: 20............85/1500

I plan to have the same goals for August as I didn't meet my challenge in July due to injury. From now on, I will be very mindful of any soreness or overworking my muscles....I never want an injury again!

Friday July 6

Turbofire 45
P90X ab ripper

squats: 0.......358/1500 (on hold because of injury)
pushups: 0....100/1000 should be able to resume in couple of days??
curls: 0.........65/1500
walk/run:....on hold til August due to injury

calorie intake:                   water:
calories burn:   535

Thursday July 5

P90X legs/arms
Ab routine

squats 230......358/1500
pushups 60.....100/1000
curls 65...........65/1500

calorie intake: 1207      water: 7-8oz glasses
calories burned: 500


start weight: 143.6
pounds to lose: 16

by when: December 31, 2012 (the day I turn 46)

measurements in inches as of July 25, 2012

bust:            37
waist:          32.5
abdomen:    38.5
hips:            39
thigh:          22.25
calves:        13.5
arms:          11.75
weight:     143.6

This picture of me was actually taken November 2011 but as you can weight is still the same today so it's time to step it up!

Below I have posted my monthly measurements and weight from when I use to go to Curves. Note: I started the 6 week challenge October 2005 and within 4 months I dropped 12 lbs and 3.75" off my waist! I know the Curves challenge works so I plan to do it again!

Notice my best month was April 2006....then no measurements until the end of August and I had gained 8 lbs! When the kids were off for the summer, I didn't go to Curves....and at that time I didn't have any of the beachbody dvds so I basically did nothing. Now I only workout at home doing beachbody's  P90X and Turbofire workouts so no quitting for the summer anymore!

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