Thursday, July 5, 2012

so true

Oh so true! Exercise is great....even if you don't need to lose weight, exercise is good for your skin, heart, brain, lungs......pretty much all your organs. But if you are trying to lose weight, what you put in your mouth will determine how fast or slow you will progress towards your goal.

Eat as whole as you can...."whole" meaning fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts (in moderation because they have a lot of fat), seeds, whole grain, etc. Stay away from processed foods, refined sugar and starchy carbohydrates, such as, bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, sugary snacks.

I know, I know, bread and potatoes are amazingly delicious. I am not saying you can NEVER eat them. But until you read your goal weight, cut waaaaay back. You will see results much quicker which will help you stay motivated.

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