Tuesday, July 10, 2012

you tell 'em

Have you ever had to say this to anyone? It seems the minute you decline eating a piece of cake or a greasy hamburger and fries opting for a salad, people think you are on a diet. Watching what you eat and choosing the healthier option is simply eating healthy. 

Do you sometimes think.....hhmmmm, if I eat that piece of cake, I will have to be on the elliptical for an extra 30 minutes???? I think that sometimes which either stops me from eating it, or I eat it and then do just that....work out a little extra that day or the next day. It is all about choices, people!!

A diet to me has too many restrictions...you have to eat certain foods and if you stray from the plan.......the guilt, oh the guilt. So I just choose to eat healthy. I admit, not every day is a "good" day, but as long as most days are good, I am winning!

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